Induction Furnace

Induction Furnace

Today with the advancement in semiconductor technology, it is possible to make switching power supplies with frequencies ranging from 50-500 kHz and output power ranging from 1-100 MW. The image below illustrates the improvements made in the induction furnaces over the years, taking advantage of different technologies.

induction furnace improvement

Induction furnace improvement over the years

BCE is ready to get orders for construction of induction furnaces up to 1 MW. If you are in need of one, please contact us here.



#32 , Sarlat St, Tayeb Ave,
Esfahan, Iran, 8136713833


+98 31 32332577
+98 31 32332766
+98 31 32332485


i n f o @ b e h r a d- c o . c o m